Ipsen Vacation tickers

Friday, June 24, 2011

Meat Wagon!!!!

We made it!!!!
To the land of milk and meat :)
So glad to see regular milk, frozen milk sucks on cereal and advice to any future safari hunters. Go vegetarian for the month before, and something is going to die when you arrive.

We had a long, relatively uneventful trip down to South Africa.  Made it thru immigration, and then had to beg to get back thru, into Cameroon so we could eat, we were starving while waiting for our plane.  Only open restaurant had one menu choice... Ham omelets and pomme frits (wound up being hotdog omlets nd french fries)  It was a long flight, almost had to stop at some central African nation to arrest the guy behind me and the boys who was getting unruly and wouldn't turn his cell phone off during flight as the attendant asked.  Started to get very heated words and threats of police, ect... Boys slept through it, long sleepless night for me though.

Made it to Johannesburg at 4:30am and drove for 3 hours to get to lodge.  South Africa is very much like the states, had a "Quicktrip" equivalent to go to get Red Bulls and Soda to stay awake.  Interstate driving was also very nice.

Got settled and had brunch and had our first hot shower, not warm trickle shower in a month and we were feeling set.  It is beautiful here as well.  Much more as you picture Africa to be.  Scrub brush plains, tall grass.  Huge open spaces, lots and lots of animals just driving in to the place.

Our Thatched roof lodge.

Bar/Pool over river.
 Once we were feed, washed and content, Amy and I headed out with Tavi and Hink to look for some animals.  It is crazy how many animal are within 15 minutes of the lodge.  Within 5 minutes of hunting a herd of zebra's walked by and the guide is saying "Brian, take him, take him!"  I couldn't do it, I had just started and wasn't sure I really wanted a stripped donkey on my wall yet.
It only got better from their.  We saw giraffes, gemsbok, warthog, impala, waterbuck, red hartebeest, blue wildebeest, tsessebe, sable,  kudu and nayla.  The amount of birds is also amazing.
So the first day, I got three very awesome animals.  Started with the Kudu, then coming home found a nice impala, and at the gate of the compound at dusk, shot an amazing nyala.  Pretty astounding first day of safari.


We came home to a huge T-bone dinner, all got stuffed and sat around the fire pit.  It over all was a phenomenal start to the end of our trip.  Need to run.


normaandjerryt said...

hey, glad you made the long trip down to south africa ok, sounds like you jumped right into a great vacation!! i'd say you all deserve it after things being so different in mbingo. roxy, stay out of the way of all those animals, let brian take care of them!!! haha, see you soon

monaipsen said...

Amy, after reading your account of your last day in Mbingo, I have a new impression of you! We are very proud of you!! Brian and Amy, will you be having horns/antlers or whatever they are called,now hanging above the mantel? Glad you made it to S. Africa safely. Enjoy your time there and hurry home. We miss you!! Hugs and kisses! Love, Mom and Dad

Amy Lea said...

Yes, Zebra pelts on the floor!!Waterbuck and Kudu right above the guest bed...who wants to stay with us?!?!