Ipsen Vacation tickers

Thursday, June 14, 2012

You know you are in Africa when...
You put your children's clothes in the sink to wash and within 30 seconds the water is brown!!!!!!!!

This is my before scrubbing and after scrubbing socks.  I am still amazed at the soap here.  I am sure it has something toxic in it to clean so well.  This is dirt even with shoes on.  And I know why locals do not wear socks...ever!


missallizoom said...

So what is the name of the amazing soap? The before and after is pretty impressive.

dji said...

New business opportunity for locals? We could use a little Cameroon Zoom.


wanda said...

Hope you are having a good Sunday. Thinkin.g of you, hoping you can have a real sense of all of the prayers lifted up for each of you. Looking forward to a new post to catch us up on the happenings. I enjoyed my time with my three guests from Uganda. Herbert, Jonathon and Erick, ages 8, 8, and 9, from the African Children's Choir. Will post pictures on FB sometime soon. Happy Fathers Day, Brian!

monaipsen said...

Happy Father's Day, Brian! Hope you are having a relaxing day! We are fine. Dad is working on the ice machine downstairs. Not quite what I had in mind for today, but oh well!! Love to all of you" Mom