Ipsen Vacation tickers

Saturday, January 25, 2014

TeVo and the Technicolor Leisure Suit

So as we prepare for our travel day, I don't have much to report.  One lost passport by one of the team members has created a lot of drama, but should all be ok in the end.  We are packed and markedly lighter than we came.  TeVo picked up some amazing bling one of the interpeturs, Brahma, gave him:).  Dr Emma also pictured, picked up some new garb as well, which is funny because TeVo is a cheer dad as well.
Amy, Dr Sara and Charlotte also were looking stunning this morning.

It was a beautiful morning on the Cassamance River as we prepared to leave for Ziginshor.
We got everything and everyone packed into the van.  Amy feeling a little squished back there:)

A quick stop by hospital and Dr Tandian (tan-jin) to leave some final blessings for him and then of to celebration at clinic in the village of Bamacounda.
Meeting at clinic, the Assistant Prefect arrived and gave a speech under the watchful eye of Michael J Fox:). Reused some banner and turned it into a tent.
Back into the van, what Amy, Terry and I thought was going to be a relaxing, comfy trip in the "new" van ended up being another African adventure after 7 nationals decided to hitch a ride to Zig with us.
Saw a local traditional character on the road that goes from village to village scaring the children in full dress and with machete..

More Africian humor...

Dr Soh- so you Americans drive on the right side of the road?
Me- yes
Dr S- British on the left?
Dr S-do you know what side we dive on in Senegal?
Me- ? Right Side?
Dr S- no, the Good Side:)
Translation: they drive on the side with the smallest potholes, and if a bigger truck is coming the opposition direction, he gets to pick first.
Imagine driving 3 hours like this..
Made it to the airport in Ziginshor..
And here is the road leading to said airport..

May check in later in Dakar, but will send this since I have Wifi


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