Ipsen Vacation tickers

Friday, July 21, 2017

The Whoo Whoop heard across Mbingo

I don’t feel like I have anything too exciting to report as it has been a quiet week for the kids and myself.  A couple of factors have kept us indoors the first few days and we have not gotten out to adventure around.   The boys (especially my near teenaged, Joe) has had a hard time adjusting to the jet lag and time change.  The kids basically spent most of the first three days sleeping.  But I think yesterday we finally got over that hump.  Grace has not been feeling well, she has also been a bit lethargic and has had upset stomach for the last few days.  I think she is also adjusting to the changes of being here (ie…the lack of sushi for her extra sushi stomach).  But she too has made a turnaround today and is back to her normal chipper self.  The rain has been pretty consistent every day from about 1pm to whenever it decides to stop in the evening, this makes it hard to want to go out much because you get wet and muddy.  The house that we are staying in this time is on a different side of the hospital grounds and unfortunately there are no kids nearby for our kids to play with.  Last time the local kids were right behind us and always ready to play.  These things have kept us inside most of the days thus far.  Don’t get me wrong, it has been nice to hang out with the kids in a way we don’t at home.  We have played Rummikub, Farkle, and cards more than I can count.  We have each finished reading a book (including Joe) and to my surprise the kids haven’t been at each other’s throats.  They have, for the most part, been getting along really well.  Toby is fighting more with Brian over what he is going to eat then he has with Grace and Joe. 

Sample of some of our meals...
Curry chicken, plantains, and boiled cabbage (with something else in it that I don't know what it is)

Beans and avocado (I added ranch to make it a little more tasty)

So, yesterday we decided that it was time to get out of the house and get some fresh air.  We all put on our kicks and took a little hike.  The boys have gone out with Brian a couple times, but this was the first for me and Grace.  I was a little nervous because earlier in the day I ran across a man at the hospital who was selling “jungle meat” outside of the ortho clinic.  I can now visualize where the “bush meat” sold on the road side came from.  They were RATS…and not just everyday Missouri rats.  They were the size of a cat.  He had six of them laid out on the concrete stoop selling them, the same place people sit and eat their food.  I asked if I could take a photo and they all laughed when I said I did not want to buy one (it musta been the look on my face).  So now knowing these varmints exist, makes me a little more anxious about hiking.  I just kept envisioning that scene from The Princess Bride when Wesley and Buttercup get attached by the giant rats!  Not how I want it to go down in Africa.  Luckily, no rats or any other surprises on our treck up the mountain.  I also encountered this ginormous beetle like creature yesterday.  It was in our duplex neighbor’s house!  Yikes, so glad it went under their door and not ours!  The spiders and crickets are enough for me.

Speaking of hikes, Tuesday the boys tackled Mt. Mbingo in between rain showers and made it all the way to the top.  B posted a few pics the other day.  It is a pretty intense hike because it is very steep and with the rain I knew it would be very muddy and slippery, so Grace and I decided to stay home.  So, there I was…laying on my bed reading my book when I heard a “whoo whoop”!  For those of you that know our family, you know that that is our family call.  Anywhere, anytime we hear a “whoo whoop”, that means one of us (more than likely daddy) is close by or trying to get our attention.  I though surely, they weren’t coming back already, so I went outside to investigate.  Nope, not back, they were on the top of Mt. Mbingo.  One “whoo whoop” and with the clouds hovering low the entire valley got to hear our family call.  I sent one back and they heard me on top of the mountain.  It was crazy…or the people around us probably think we are crazy!  

Mt Mbingo from our front porch

Grace at base of Mt. Mbingo looking up

Those little specks are my boys...zoomed in ALOT!

Even in Africa I get field flowers when the boys are out hiking, πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—
 Today we had to venture out, I was starting to get stir crazy and I thought it would help the kids (Grace) feel better.  Grace and I started at the hospital, we delivered blankets to the maternity ward for the babies.  They were very happy to get them, but also very busy so I couldn’t take a snap.  Then we went to visit with one of the permanent missionaries and their family.  He is a pediatrician and she is a family medicine doc.  They have two kiddos ages 4 and 2.  It was nice talking to them and hearing their story.  It inspires me when I talk the full timers, it is such a big adjustment for their families to be here.  I am not sure I could do it full time.  They truly have a heart for Jesus and serving His people!  We then went and retrieved the boys to see if we could get a soccer game started.  It didn’t take long to reunite with a few of the local kids and find some new ones.  Here is a few pics of the houses that they live in and the kids playing.  Grace made friends with Endurance (yes, they still have names that are words of strength and inspiration; Comfort, Confidence, Lovely, Courage, Blessing). 

Margaret keeps us well fed and always has a beautiful smile on her face.
Makes us feel at home.

Grace and Endurance

After we had lunch, Grace still had her camera and ran into a few people who wanted their picture taken.  They love to have to take their pictures taken and then look at themselves.  Next trip I need to remember to bring a little printer so that I can print them off for them. 
A kiddo chillin' with his mom after having an external fixator put on, they watched the boys play soccer

This man has been working really hard every day learning how to use his new prosthesis

Back at the house, the boys have taken up a new hobby…walking stick whittling in preparation for their next hike.  Daddy told them last night that they needed to “listen to the stick” when they are carving it.  So, Toby found an “eye” on the side of his and added a mouth.  Joe made a spiral on his because his had had a vine twisted around it when they found it.  Creative juices flowing, let’s just hope that we don’t end up needing stitches!  Since it is raining and we are literally in a cloud right now, it is chilly and dark, so Grace decided to do what she does best…build a fort.  Her and Tobs hung out inside for a while, texting and playing with Legos.  It warms my heart that she still has moments when the little girl in her shines through. 
Joe making some awesome hiking sticks,

Grace's fort on a rainy afternoon
Tomorrow we are headed into Bamenda to do some shopping.  We are hoping to grab a few snacks for next week and treats to bring home.  I’ll let you know how that goes. 
Good night y'all...sweet dream!


Mona Ipsen said...

So glad to hear that everyone is adjusting and having a good time. We are enjoying all the pictures.I am amazed at all the vegetation in the pictures. We were there in the dry season and it certainly looked different.

Dad and I are so proud of what you and Brian are doing! When Brian was still
in medical school, his Dad told him that with his talents he needed to be sure and "give Back". I think what your family has endeavored to do, is certainly giving back to the world. Keep up the good work, stay safe, enjoy yourselves and come back home soon. Love, Mom

Unknown said...

So proud of you, Brian, and your entire talented and generous family. Praying for your safety, the work that you are doing and those receiving the gift of your skill. Those in you midst are truly blest and I'm sure you feel blest a hundred fold.

wanda said...

Love the smiling walking stick, Toby (and the swirly one, Joe)! Wish you could bring them home. Grace, love that you're being such a gracious big sister to your brothers. Keep up the good work and enjoy the adventure!

Cindy D. said...

Oh the joys of WA!! Remember that even when you feel like your "not doing much" it's all about relationship... relationship w/family "whoo-WHoop", relationship w/others, and relationship with Christ! You are being an excellent model of each and many are watching!! How powerful!!