Hello dear blog followers, you haven’t heard from me yet. Not that I’ve been extremely busy. I’ve spent time watching the kids so Amy can do work at the clinic and other things which you’ve been reading about. I’ve become a champion “Free Cell” player on the computer and, as you’ve already heard, hand washed a lot of laundry and dishes. (Brian forgave me for the pink tee shirt.) Since today is our last full day here in Mbingo, I decided to share a few of my thoughts on this adventure, or as I’ve come to call it, the adventure of a life time.
The verse that comes to mind every time I look out the windows from any room here in the house, or for that matter where ever I walk to in this village, is Psalm 121:1, “I will look to hills, from where cometh my help? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.” This little village, as it is literally surrounded by the mountains and waterfalls, is nothing short of breathtaking. (At first I thought it was just the elevation.) The pictures you have seen on the blog do not come close to doing justice. Then there is the fact that God is without a doubt most certainly here, and He has been our help from day one. I have seen His hands at work in many, many different ways, a lot of which have been through watching what Brian has been able to do. Mona and Allan, you started a good work in him and God is bringing it to completion. I have seen God using him not only in the medical work he has been doing, but also with the way he interacts with his colleagues and plays with the children in “the hood”, as we have come to call it. He has been challenged in many ways, and shows “no fear” in concurring them all. Then there is Amy, and her amazing love for these people. She has gone places were most people wouldn’t dare because of the living conditions, hugging parents and children who have unknown, and very unwanted illness, all because of her love for her Lord. Watching her work here has been a wonderful experience for me. What can I say…she is my inspiration?
Then there are the children…my grandchildren that is…we have had some ups and downs, thankfully mostly ups. Have they gotten on my nerves…yes. Have I grown to love them more…if possible...yes. I can only hope to see what the future holds for them as the experiences, that their parents have given them, will be used in their lives. Just another way to witness God working.
The people in Mbingo have been blessed to have Brian and Amy here, but we as a family have also been blessed. We’ve made new and wonderful friends who are always lifting us up in prayer, and who love to “Farkle”. (Friends just don’t get better then that!) We’ve seen some of God’s beautiful handy work and felt our faith in Him grow daily. Yes, it will be a little sad to leave, but the next part of the adventure will be good too. In closing I would only ask that you, our blogger friends, who have been praying for us as we have been traveling in Africa, will continue to pray for Brian, Amy and the kids as they make their return home to Joplin. It will undoubtedly be their biggest challenge. Thanks for following, and as Grace has said many times….Grandma’s crying again.
Roxy, I have read through your entry twice now and felt moved to comment. The power of this African Adventure is quite evident in your words. If I may, I'd like to share some thoughts. I believe life on Earth is our opportunity to influence and be influenced by those we encounter. By doing so I believe we elevate our self awareness(come closer to God) and hopefully provide food for thought for those we encounter. The tears that you speak of, I would presume are tears of joy or tears that come from understanding. How great it is that you are there to witness, first hand, the impact two people (one family) can have. I believe that if we carry the truth in our hearts, it can bridge any void. Perhaps that is part of what you have experienced. Words alone cannot begin to express the joy I have felt following along these last few weeks but I believe I am not alone when say what a wonderful thing this adventure has turned out to be. God truly has blessed us all. Love, UJ
Tell Grace, that Angie is crying too.
There was a book written several years ago that I meant to read but never did called, "If You Want to Walk on Water, You Have to Get Out of the Boat". You all have certainly "gotten out of the boat" with this trip. And the walking on water part is evident in your stories, pictures and descriptions of how God has blessed and sustained you and touched others through this adventure. It's safe and comfortable to stay at home and observe the world through the internet and TV; it's so much more amazing to try new things and take a risk and know through experience, not just through faith, that God is true to His word! Jim, I affirm your comments and I agree that Roxy's tears (and Angie's, and Sam's, and grandma Esther's, and okay, mine too.....) are all tears of joy and of a deeper understanding, and also of the incredible magnificence of taking a risk - going on an adventure like this one - and seeing life through new eyes. Thanks Roxy, Brian, Amy, Grace, Joe and Toby for taking us along through this blog site! Love to you all and prayers for safe travel tomorrow.
Roxy, thanks for sharing your thoughts with the rest of us. I'm crying too!!! It sounds as though everyone has been affected by being there and has become more aware of what a small part of the rest of the world is like. As US citizens, we are spoiled and take things for granted that the citizens of Cameroon don't even know about. Like bubbles for instance. Such a small thing, but for those kids I'm sure it brought some joy into their lives. Thank you for being there to assist Brian, Amy and the kiddos. Continue your journey safely and we will see you soon. Love, Mona and Allan
was wondering when we would hear from you. You have not disappointed us. I know where Amy gets her talent of putting what she feels in her heart into words that touch and move us so deeply ( by the way I'M not crying) sniff, ok maybe I am. It has been so enjoyable to be there with you by way of this blog. Please take care on your final journey and come home safely to us. Love you all. SAM
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